Personal Growth

Stay patient & trust your journey!

     Patience is a virtue, so they say, and in my experience trust is even harder to come by. So what do I mean when I say, “Stay patient and trust your journey.”? We have all heard this said more than once, but have we stopped to ponder on its meaning?

     We live in a world where there is much control, not just over us, but even more in regards to that which we try to obtain.  I know that I have struggled with this from time-to-time and even more after the motorcycle wreck (more on that to come). Suffering a TBI (traumatic brain injury) can change things quickly. Within the first two years of recovery, I experienced thoughts and feelings that I had never experienced.  It was overwhelming and scary at the same time. It took time to learn how to have control over these thoughts and feels. Even more than that, it took time to learn to stay patient and trust the journey I was on.

trust fear

     In staying patient, I have learned a few things.  The top three are what inspires me, what I am afraid of or should I say not afraid of, and who I really am.  We spend most of our lives trying to wrap our mind around these three questions. Below I will share the answers I found for myself and hopefully get you to stop and think about your own life and how you would answer them for yourself.  


     “Finding your muse” is just another way of saying “finding your inspiration”.  So, what inspires you? What speaks to you? Where does your motivation come from?

     From 2009 to late 2011, there is not much I remember.  Bits and pieces are there but those even come and go. That was probably the hardest time of my life. What I do remember is not good.  I don’t remember many highs but horrible lows. It is so hard to explain but like being in a dense fog, in your physical body, but not in your body. Like watching yourself from above as you go through your day to day living.  It took me close to 5 years to fully regain my life, and during this time, I certainly was not expecting to be inspired. Setting myself on the right path to move forward.

     Once I had woke up, so to speak, I begin to evaluate my life and where it was going, I begin to seek out what was inspiring me. Letting it shape who I am.  I have had my share of ups and downs and in all of that, I found myself being inspired by both, the things that brought me up and the things that brought me down. Looking back now, I am glad that I am on this journey. I am here to tell ya, you don’t always know where you are headed, but one thing is for certain, I am eager to see where it may go.

So, what inspires me?  

     Well, each part of my life is inspired by something different.  My children inspire me to be the best mom I can be. Being a mom of two sick children (cystic fibrosis) inspire me to fully trust my God and showed me what it meant to have real faith.  My failed 1st marriage inspired me to trust my instincts and to love myself. The motorcycle wreck inspires me to face every challenge head-on and to never quit. My husband and marriage now inspires me to reach for more and has taught me that it is okay to want more.

     Choosing to make use of all this inspiration.

I decided it was time to make use of the inspiration I had been receiving during those 5 years. Take a chance, enjoy life, and use what I have been given. I am an over-comer. Meeting any challenge face-to-face and most of the time winning.  So, I began to write. Getting it out, everything. Capturing the moments and using them to grow stronger. With each situation I experience, whether good or bad, I learned so much. Learning to accept the outcome, be patient, and trusting the journey. I would not have it any other way.

Facing Your Fears

     Most of us have a tendency to get tied down to our day-to-day lives; being a wife, mother, friend, employee. Sometimes we forget about the “me” that should be found in all of that. While I am not saying, be selfish, I am saying “be you”.

     It is my intention to introduce you to women who have either overcome barriers in their lives or just realized who they really were. These women have found their inner strength, their inspiration, and are always moving forward in their lives. More importantly, amazing women who are not afraid to take chances and follow their dreams.  Women who have a unique quality about them.

Photo By:
Kayla Denniston Photography

     One thing I have learned is that “fear tricks us into living a very boring life” (Donald Miller). Choosing to live without fear is courageous. This does not, in no means, to be stupid. Fear can be used to protect us. It can be manifested by a perceived danger or threat that is absolutely real. It certainly has its place in our lives. More about the quote here.

     I am talking about irrational fears. Fear of taking that next step to better yourself or your family. Fear of believing in yourself. A fear of trusting your instincts. Fear of letting go. The fear of grabbing hold.  

Don’t get trapped.

     I think most of the time we have a tendency to get trapped in our lives. We know we deserve better but let fear take control and do not take the chances that would change things.  Faith and fear can not exist together. I encourage you to look at your life and see where you have let fear control you. We only live once and we need to make the most of it.


   There is so much focus on comparing ourselves to each other.  We spend so much time trying to emulate what someone else is doing that we forget that we are beautiful and wonderfully made.  We are all different and special in our own little way. Don’t forget who you are. Myself, I know that I am a God fearing, daughter, wife, and mother who tries her best to take care of herself. A woman who is in it to win it. This is reflected in all I do.  I give everything my best. When things get rough, and they do at times, it is always good to saddle up and get my knees in the breeze.

I invite you to join me. You can learn more about me here and, of course, follow on Instagram and Facebook. Would love to chat!

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