Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react

Life is… all based on how we react.

Life is...hhmm? Have you heard this before? Maybe you have or maybe haven’t. Really doesn’t matter because this could not be more true. To complete the ...all based on how we react to the things that happen to us. 


You know that life happens. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You strive each day to the best you can. But, you know, things just happen. 


Life just happens.


So, you didn’t get the answer you were looking for. You put your trust in someone and they let you down. 


There will be many instances in this life where you will be hurt, disappointed, angered, or even surprised by a situation. Your life will keep moving forward with or without your input.  With everything we experience, we are to learn something .


Honestly, things happening are what makes life interesting. 


The choice you make. 


With everything that happens to you in your life, you will always have more than one choice to make when deciding how to react. Each situation will present you with different choices. Good, bad, or indifferent.  


How you react. 


How you react will either build the drama in your life and exacerbate a situation or calm and realign the situation. It is really all in how you react to that situation. What outcome are you desiring? It would be best to react in a way where you are more likely to achieve that outcome. 


So, the next time you think your world is falling apart, take a moment and remember you may not be able to control the outcome of everything around you, but you can control how you react to it. Choosing to react in a manner that is only going to strengthen your resolve and move your forward will do wonders for you in the midst of that situation. 


Life we react to it!
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